The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happy Sunday!


  1. I heard that you left Goliath's Survivor Quest. That is too bad. We had a blast today. I hope that does not mean that just because you left you will not keep posting on his board.

    Brian Coffman

  2. No worries. I'll be around as time allows. The time constraints would've made me dead weight for my team.
    I still have to find some young fly reporters in under 24 hrs.
    Glad you kids are having fun!No worries. I'll be around as time allows. The time constraints would've made me dead weight for my team.
    I still have to find some young fly reporters in under 24 hrs.
    Glad you kids are having fun!ould've made me dead weight for my team.
    I still have to find some young fly reporters in under 24 hrs.
    Glad you kids are having fun!No worries. I'll be around as time allows. The time constraints would've made me dead weight for my team.
    I still have to find some young fly reporters in under 24 hrs.
    Glad you kids are having fun!
