The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Birthday!


Go looking for a picture of this

You may get mostly these

and this

Saturday editorial confession

Activism is a nice cover for laziness.

Staging a sit-in turns skipping class into a noble cause.

A walk-out is an honorable way of ditching work.

An Internet blackout is like Senior Skip Day to at least one slacker blogger.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

To Decadence: a toast

How times change. Sigh. There is no official video for the original 2 Live Crew "Get the fuck out my house bitch," and why would there be? Back in the day no one thought to just slightly lower the volume on the short "u," keep all else the same and call it censored. We've evolved so since the late eighties. Another sigh.

Shop Talk with David Hampe

Whoa! Check out the numbers over at the ClarkCountyChatter! That site really has it going on! We'll be dispatching our marketing and research teams to learn what the Chatter is doing to bring in so many members and guests. That Grumpy Granny, Quasar and Professor must be smart and wonderful people to attract such large numbers of readers to their site. Their staff must also be the greatest. We will be watching and learning from these wise people.

Hump Day Congrats... Goliath. According to one of his biggest fans, most active poster and woman another website is reporting has begged to be "shared" by him and his young protegee, one Queensize Nana, his site is now comparable to and creating the same animosity within the community as the former ACC!

So, to Goliath, from the entire KatoAnon Commentaries staff, our most heartfelt congratulations.

You've earned it!

Wednesday Editorial Comment

So let me get this straight. The toiletflapper guy is calling other people depraved? Okee-dokee...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

by Proxy

Hypothetical Rhetorical Metaphorical Question of the Week

Is the U.S. at war with Yemen?

We were just sitting around the newsroom discussing this, in a purely academic sense, of course. There are all those people over there that hate the U.S. In their minds, we're at war, but we haven't declared war on them.

Yet at the same time, we do send our sexysneaky little drones over there and just selectively take out bad guys pretty much whenever we feel like it. So while we haven't declared war, we are sorta kinda kicking their ass all the same, don't you think?

And really, when you're the superpower surgically removing individual enemies, the other guys clamoring about war and threatening to blow themselves up just look like chumps, yes? That's the conclusion we've settled upon.

Fibbing Peckerhead update

Back to fibbing. The same fibs. The peckerhead.

Tuesday Editorial Recommendation

If war were to become absolutely necessary, the KatoAnon Editorial Board highly recommends the following recruits:

We also have several reporters who have volunteered to be inbeds if we go to war and recruit these excellent warrior specimens. It should be noted these same reporters are now on probation with The Commentaries for freudiantly confusing "inbed" with "embed", though they have been commended for their good taste and dirty minds.