Hypothetical Rhetorical Metaphorical Question of the Week
Is the U.S. at war with Yemen?
We were just sitting around the newsroom discussing this, in a purely academic sense, of course. There are all those people over there that hate the U.S. In their minds, we're at war, but we haven't declared war on them.
Yet at the same time, we do send our sexysneaky little drones over there and just selectively take out bad guys pretty much whenever we feel like it. So while we haven't declared war, we are sorta kinda kicking their ass all the same, don't you think?
And really, when you're the superpower surgically removing individual enemies, the other guys clamoring about war and threatening to blow themselves up just look like chumps, yes? That's the conclusion we've settled upon.
Fibbing Peckerhead update
Back to fibbing. The same fibs. The peckerhead.
Tuesday Editorial Recommendation
If war were to become absolutely necessary, the KatoAnon Editorial Board highly recommends the following recruits:
I can not see the pictures! I bet they're good. sigh
ReplyDeleteI'm so out of it. I still don't know who the fibbing peckerhead is. Hint? M