The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Thursday, February 16, 2012


A case of male menopause by Angela Val Seaberry

A poster at another site posits,

"'JP is the Commissioner on Steroids.'
Have any other GAW/GCF readers heard this?"

How else does a man treat low T?

If catting around doesn't cure it, and repeatedly failing to regain political power when attainment is dependent on the will of the people only causes further demoralization, what else is left?

Working even harder to convince people you possess cajones gigantis or hormone replacement therapy.

This alleged vote tonight will backfire. It makes him look whipped.

Register to vote!

1 comment:

  1. I don't get it. I mean, I know JP wants the money, but didn't he also cut his #1 worshiper Keith Fetz off at the knees by doing this? And wasn't his successful campaign tactics partner Pepper Cooper supposed to get a cut of this deal too? It appears he got cut out instead.

    Congrats on your great choice, Clark Co Democrat Caucus.
