The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anyone know a good attorney?

It's come to our attention that a morally and intellectually challenged individual is out there claiming this blog, this bastion of journalism, humor and hot dudes, is really written by a Republican politician. How offensive! How rude!

We'll have the PayPal button up soon in order to accept contributions for our legal fund.

1 comment:

  1. I will be glad to refer you to a friend of mine who is a local attorney. He is a very highly regarded local attorney and his office is located right off Spring St in Jeffersonville so he should not be hard to find either.

    Brian Coffman
