The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hump Day

Aggy's Mailbox

Dear Aggy,

Is it normal for someone to proclaim themselves sovereign of a group that has kicked them out? Is it normal for someone to pretend to be a member of a club, for example posting pictures of themselves online wearing club accessories, when they were never a member of that club and, in fact, would not be welcome if they tried to join?

- Creeped out in Hoosierland

Dear Creeped out,

No. That is not normal. This person sounds as if they have an inflated ego, are obsessively jealous of this group and club, and since they've apparently followed your activities closely enough to try to imitate them, this person may also have stalker tendencies. These are some questions to ask yourself as you consider calling the men in white coats:

Does this person also exhibit irrational animosity toward members of these groups, for example name calling, discussing personal details of their lives and lying about them?

Does this person consistently portray themselves as a victim when most rational people would agree they are the aggressor?

Does this person act incredibly hypocritically, for example, bashing people for imagined acts that closely mirror the acts they are really perpetrating?

Does this person exaggerate how well they know the people they target?

Does this person engage in attention-seeking behavior?

Does this person target people with which they have no real relationship and which a healthy individual would spend no time paying attention to?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, there may be a certified nutcase stalking these groups. Vigilance and placing value on strength in numbers are recommended.

People close to this person should try to get them help. If loved ones are not actively seeking help for this person, it may be they don't really like them much either, are also nuts or recognize the person's potential for vindictive, possibly violent, behavior and fear them too much to confront them. You have good reason to be creeped out.

Hump Day Editorial Comment

Before all else, be armed.


  1. what and who the hell are you referring to? Why play these word games, if you are going to accuse someone of something have the guts to just say who. dang.

  2. Anonymous,

    I understand your frustration. It would be good to know just who this psycho is in order to defend ourselves. However, that is not how an advice column works, and you're mistaken in thinking there in an accusation of some sort in this column.
    We apparently erred in thinking most of our readership were familiar with newspapers - at least the light, easy parts like the advice columns and funnies. Your post has shown us the error of our thinking.
    Advice columns do not generally have names published in them, at least not real names, but it is hoped that if someone recognizes themselves in the questions and responses they will take appropriate steps.
    Thank you so much for your feedback, and if you need advice, please feel free to contact Aggy at Personal replies will not be provided due to overwhelming volume, but your question may be published with Aggy's advice in order to help you and others.

    - KatoAnon Commentaries Public Editor Shea Butter

  3. Dear Aggy,
    Ever since I was a little girl I could never see other people pushed around or made fun off. Although my childhood wasn't so wonderful, I seem to care deeply for mistreated children and mistreated adults. I wonder if it my calling to help the less fortunate in the world. I'm just not sure how to do that?

