The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Friday, October 7, 2011

My heroes

When this blog started, I admitted my blogging heroes were HoosierTaxpayer and Cindiloohoo.

If you haven't checked out the BatBlog, or the CrazyNeighborLady lately, you really should.


  1. HT is gifted when it comes to altering photographs.I admire his artistic style. I always get a good laugh when he posts that kind of work. I think it is the ever so slight tilt, that he uses when attaching heads to bodies that gets me every time.

  2. You haven't seen Team Cool's blog yet Kato!!

    ( We're just letting the excitement build). LOL
