The KatoAnon Commentaries

The product of a bored and stifled brain. This is my creative refuge, the place I can safely say, "oh, well, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck."

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Note from editorial board:

It should never be assumed any group or individual mentioned on this blog, real or imaginary, endorses the views expressed therein. The KatoAnon Commentaries is an independent venture and product not affiliated with any civic, political or social groups. For more details on this disclaimer, please see that at the beginning of all South Park episodes and the fine print in car commercials.
Thank you and good day.

I said good day.

1 comment:

  1. Great musical choices this week. Ton LOC, Young MC, Janet Jackson (Miss Jackson to me) and Bob Marley - It is almost like you raided my old collection of cassette tapes to get these. I love these songs.

    Brian Coffman
