No Time Warp needed tonight.
What is this guy's problem? Obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.
Did you see all the guns and bombs and planes? Someone has to make all that stuff, and they get paid for doing it. Those are good paying jobs, some of them union, that put food on the table. Food kids eat. I guess he's got something against feeding children.
Those workers spend money on health care for their children. This guy is against kids getting their shots. I guess he'd rather children suffer from chicken pox and ear infections than have a little violence or threat.
Elderly American men invested in the companies that make all that stuff make nice livings. This allows them to continue contributing to our two-party system by financing elderly men in their political campaigns. I guess this commie singer wants to see our democracy destroyed.
He just doesn't get how important it is to provide jobs for working families and take care of those incapable of caring for themselves or make good decisions while acting in a spirit of bipartisanship. How sad.
Thursday Editorial Comment
How sad.
"How sad" -Goliath